Recent Settlements and Verdicts

A United State Postal Service carrier was wrongfully terminated while pregnant and on intermittent FMLA leave. She was suffering from pregnancy-related limitations. Instead of working with her limitations, the USPS chose to get rid of her instead. The USPS not only paid a substantial sum to settle this case but the Client was also offered reinstatement to a similar carrier position.

An employee of the Veterans Administration was harassed and retaliated against after a consensual relationship with another employee turned bad. Instead of blaming the harasser, the VA attempted to terminate her for making complaints about the harassment.

A railroad employee was cleared by his personal doctor to return to work after an off-duty injury. However, when he attempted to return to work, the railroad refused to let him mark-up for duty. The employee was returned to work and settled his discrimination complaints on a confidential basis.

After being injured, the railroad employee was terminated for unrelated reasons. Despite this, the Furniss Law Firm was able to obtain a substantial settlement for a back injury.

Sample Decisions in Railroad and Employment Cases Handled by Ryan Furniss

Winter v. Lugano2, LLC — Motion for Class Certification Granted

Walters v. Olin Corp. — Plaintiff's Motion to Remand Granted

Simpson v. Boeing — Motion to Dismiss Class Action Claims Denied

Sherrard, et al. v. Boeing — Motion to Dismiss Individual Claims Denied

Sherrard, et al. v. Boeing — Motion to Dismiss Class Action Claims Denied in Part

Dolgin v. Monsanto — Conditional Class Certification Granted

Buss v. BNSF Railway Co. — Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment Granted on Liability and Causation

Rush v. Norfolk Southern Ry. Co. — Railroad Motion for Summary Judgment Denied

Kustes v. Union Pacific R.R. Co. — Plaintiff Railroad Employee Granted Summary Judgment that Van Company transporting employees was an Agent of the Railroad under the FELA

Any cases described on this website accurately represent selected matters handled by Attorney Ryan Furniss. The success of any lawsuit or settlement depends on the unique circumstances of each case. The Furniss Law Firm cannot guarantee future results based on past successes we have achieved for our clients.